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Elephant Anatomy Vol. 2: Prehistoric Studies & Imaginary Concepts
Animal Anatomy for Creature Design With Terryl Whitlatch

Terryl Whitlatch
9h 08m | 12 Chapters
Elephant Anatomy Vol. 1: Drawing Skeletons & Musculature
Animal Anatomy for Creature Design With Terryl Whitlatch

Terryl Whitlatch
9h 45m | 16 Chapters
Creature Design with Terryl Whitlatch Vol. 3
The Marine Mare and Uberhorse

Terryl Whitlatch
2h 20m | 7 Chapters
Creature Design with Terryl Whitlatch Vol. 4
Toad-ogre Creature Concept and Story

Terryl Whitlatch
1h 37m | 9 Chapters